The length of a yard ramp can vary between 10 metres up to 12 metres. Its width should be no less than 2.25m.
Ease of manoeuvrability and operator use are important factors when considering which design to choose. The front end of the ramp will normally have a towing hook or attachment device to enable the ramp to be towed by a forklift. Urethane-tyred wheels are ideal for moving the ramp. They are designed to be hard wearing but are inexpensive to replace if necessary. A hydraulic hand pump system will allow for easy height adjustment by the operator.
Light duty yard ramps can be made of aluminium but it is best to obtain one that is constructed of welded steel. This will withstand the rigours of the working environment with the minimal wear. A durable finish to the ramp with high specification paint will inhibit rust.
2) Capacity of Mobile Yard Ramp
The mobile yard ramp needs to be suitable for the cargo it is unloading. Its capacity must exceed the combined weight of the heaviest forklift truck and the heaviest weight of the loads that it will carry.
To anticipate heavy loads ensure the rated capacity of a mobile yard ramp is at least three times the weight of your largest forklift truck.
3) Mobile Yard Ramp Safety
Safety with a mobile yard ramp is very important, especially as you will be moving heavy loads with mobile vehicles on an elevated platform.
Choose a mobile yard ramp that has safety chains to ensure it is securely attached to the back of the vehicle or container. Always use wheel chocks to prevent the ramp moving.
The decking on a mobile yard ramp must have good grip. Open grill sheeting provides a tough, non-slip surface.
Always check the yard ramp for signs of wear and damage before use. Replace any parts as necessary.
4) Availability of Spares
Yard Ramps are built to last but because of the hard working environment in which they are used, damage and wear is inevitable. Only used approved parts for repair and maintenance, ideally obtained directly from the original ramp manufacturer.
At Chase Equipment we have ateam of experienced service engineers who will ensure the
mobile yard ramp is maintained in good working condition.
5) Rent or Buy
Renting is the best short term solution if the use a mobile yard ramp is temporary. But because of the expense of transporting a yard ramp to its location, purchasing a mobile yard ramp can be the more cost effective in the long term.
We are a leading international supplier of mobile yard ramps. If you need a mobile yard ramp for a short period due to changing requirements, want to hire long term to minimise capital expenditure or simply would like to try before you buy, give us a call 01902 675 835 or visit our website at